Obama’s India trip sees US President signing six agreements with India


UK Today News: Obama’s India trip sees US President signing six agreements with India

Obama’s India trip update: On his visit to India, US President Barack Obama has reportedly tried to achieve as many targets as he can. Right from taking an initiative of strengthening the bond between the countries, to not interfering in the Kashmir issue and the Indo-Pak relations, to signing of agreements.

Photo: AFP

While President Obama was in the capital city of the country, Delhi, he signed six agreements and a few other business deals with India.

According to reports, the first agreement that Obama signed on his India trip on Monday was the setting up of Clean Energy Research and Development Centre. Both the countries have a 50 million dollar budget that will be adjusted for a period of five years. It will also include research in solar, biofuels and energy efficiency.

The second reported agreement involves a memorandum of understanding (MOU) for a Global Centre for Nuclear Energy Partnership. The third is MOU for India – US Energy Co-operation Programme, while the fourth agreement is on US’s technical co-operation for studying India’s annual monsoon rains.

Agreement number five is MOU that will have US technology to assess shale gas resources in India, and sixth is the M0U for Global Disease Detection Centre in India for both establishing and operating.