International Men’s Day Observed Today


UK Today News: International Men’s Day Observed Today

The International Men’s Day was first observed on November 19 in 1999 in Trinidad and Tobago. It was initially observed in the US and now it is also supported by Europe, Africa, Caribbean and Asia. In this age of women power, one cannot forget the existence of men in the society.

Like women, men also play multiple roles at a time and are always responsible for the security and success of his family.

Ms. Ingeborg Breines, Director of women and culture of Peace, on behalf of UNESCO said,

“This is an excellent idea and would give some gender balance.”

According to a recent statistics revealed on International Men’s Day, the life expectancy of men is lower than that of women, thus, lot of care has to be taken care about Men’s Health. The following are the aims of the International Men’s Day –

1. His Health – During the times of long working hours and stress, it is important that men take care of their physical, mental as well as emotional health.

2. His Positive Contribution: Men have always been the major contributors in the society. He contributes by either being a doctor, an Advocate, an architect, or as a police officer.

3. His positive Male Role: It is not essential that all men tend to be bad and dangerous and Chauvinistic. There are still men in the society who think of progress and well being.