2010 Philadelphia Marathon to see 11,000 runners on November 21


UK Today News: 2010 Philadelphia Marathon to see 11,000 runners on November 21

The 2010 Philadelphia Marathon is set to take place on November 21, 2010, and the marathon – which is in it’s 17th year – will take place at 7 a.m. Sunday. More than 11,000 runners are expected to run at this year’s Philadelphia Marathon.

Reports state that there are around 9,000 runners registered for the half-marathon event, and around 3,000 runners are expected to take part in Rothman Institute 8-kilometer run on Sunday. Besides this, the organizers expect 50,000 spectators to cheer the runners on the Sunday.

The 26.2 mile marathon and half marathon will begin at 6:55 a.m. for the wheelchair and handcycle events; while it will begin at 7 a.m. for runners of the marathon and half marathon, on 22d Street on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway.

The Philadelphia marathon winners will go away with $3,500 each, and the 2010 Philadelphia marathon results will be declared once it ends on Sunday.