Hospitals cancel surgeries to vacate beds for swine flu patients in the UK


UK Today News: The swine flu pandemic in the UK has created a crisis in hospitals surrounding the availability of beds. Most of the hospitals in the UK have started the cancel many planned surgeries, so as to vacate beds in the intensive care units for critical swine flu patients.

Hospital managers in Manchester, Newcastle, Norfolk, Leicester and London have canceled many surgeries which also include heart surgeries. One of the doctors have said that the swine flu pandemic is increasing pressure on the intensive care units, particularly in those beds which are equipped for treating patients with respiratory disorders.

Dr. Jon Smith of the Freeman Hospital in Newcastle said, “I would say that from a national point of view we are very close to capacity most days.” The cancelling of surgeries will help to temporarily vacate beds in the intensive care units of the hospitals.

Reports also state that manufacturers of the swine flu vaccine have warned that they do not have more stocks of the vaccines.