Malaria cases rise drastically in the UK


UK Today News: The number of cases of malaria in the UK has drastically increased in the past few years. A new report has been disclosed by the Health Protection Agency, which stated that a whopping 1,495 cases of the disease had been reported in the year 2008. This has jumped up to 1,761 cases were reported in the year 2010.

Looking at the growing concerns, the agency is now constantly warning people to take precautionary measures in order to reduce the number of cases. The agency has warned travelers to take enough measures so that they are not vulnerable to the disease. People have been advised to take anti malaria pills to make them immune of malaria, besides covering their bodies at all times, and using mosquito repellents if possible.

Many people think that they will not contract the disease as they have already gone through it once. But this is far from the truth. Malaria is caused due to the biting of the mosquito and the symptoms can appear within eight days after being bitten by the insect. The figures have shown that four out of 10 cases were of the residents of UK, who had just returned from Nigeria or Ghana. The report had even mentioned that 11% of the cases were of those who had visited India. The experts have advised that one must take enough precautions before travelling to any other country especially tropical areas.

To keep Malaria at bay, ensure that your garbage bins are covered outside, else this will attract mosquitoes. Also see that there is no open stagnant water as this could become a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Besides this, closing your windows at around 6pm, or getting net for your windows is a nice way of keeping mosquitoes at bay.