Paralympic Games to feature athletes at centre stage

1535 Art director Kim Gavin revealed that the Paralympic Games Closing ceremony will be a “festival of flame”, in which the athletes will be at the centre of it. The closing event will start at 20:30 BST on September 9, 2012.


The music by the band Coldplay is expected to take the audience on a journey through the four seasons during the performance. At the beginning, all the athletes will be at the centre of the stadium.

The event will also feature a tribute for the Help for Heroes charity which will feature around 1,200 performers. Gavin said that the idea is to bring together everyone as one. The art director said, “We are known as a nation for having the most festivals, it is something that we do with 600 festivals a year.”

Gavin also explained, “The festival approach is purely to bring the celebration of the last night of the Games being in London. We pay tribute to the all the human spirit and achievement through this wonderful sport of the last two weeks.” The art director intends to put together a unique group of people hat storm the stadium and bring this festival to life. The night is about the celebration that the flame will be going out in London.