Top five Christmas gifts for children in 2012


The Christmas season is fast approaching and the search for appropriate gifts for children also begins. Children these days search for the most fashionable and popular gifts to have in their stockings and a few good options are mentioned below.

1. Tetris Light – It is a game which is very addictive and has now come in 3D. As pieces in the game are attacked, it lights up. The game can be purchased from and is priced at £2.99.

2. Ridley’s Magic tricks – Christmas is a great occasion for the kids to put on a magic show for the family. The set has a cup and ball, various magic wand illusions and coin tricks. The magic set can be purchased from and has a price tag of £14.95.

3. Hugs – This is a children’s clothing company which makes dresses. In addition to clothes, one can even purchase a hug in the form of a poncho. The dresses can be purchased from for £44.

4. Fisher Price video camera – Children love to take pictures and this gadget will keep them engaged and also allow them to explore their creative side. The camera can be purchased from for £29.99.

5. Air Swimmers Angry Birds – Children long for remote controlled toys which makes them feel like they are controlling something. Air Swimmers are giant inflatable fish which fly up to the ceiling and can be purchased from for £39.99.