For the Love of Ray J 2 Reunion Show: Ray J and Jaguar Back Together?


The For the Love of Ray J 2 had one winner — Mz Berry — but thats not the end as The For the Love of Ray J 2reunion airs today at 6pm. You don’t need to wait till then to know what the show is going to be about because we got some quotes here from the taping of For the Love of Ray J 2 reunion.

For the Love of Ray J 2 Reunion Update: For those of you who missed out the show, there are reports that Ray J regrets choosing Mz Berry and wishes that Jaguar could have been the winner. Ray J and Jaguar shared a very good rapport on the show and even told Ray J she is single. Mz Berry was also present there but said she just came to know that all the other girls met her man Ray J. Looks like we are going to see a cat fight after the For the Love of Ray J 2 Reunion episode?

Here are some few quotes from the For the Love of Ray J 2 reunion.

1. “I do model, for goodness sakes, girls. I’ve always had my jobs.”
2. “I am a handful.”
3 “You are so fake, you will never have a good friend!”
4. “Why lie and be fake like most of the girls on this show?”


And how can we forget the star of the show Ray J. Here are some of his quotes :

1. “Your English is getting good, girl!”
2. “Just ’cause she a whole foot taller then me doesn’t mean I’m scared!”
3. “I didn’t see what I was supposed to see.”

Don’t forget to tune in to the “For the Love of Ray J Reunion” Episode today and catch up with Platinum, Luscious, Danger, Mz Berry and the rest.

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