Internet users in UK doubles in ten years


New figures have revealed that people in UK have spent an average of 20 hours and 30 minutes using internet every week in 2014. The figure has doubled since the last figures in 2005. The usage of internet has doubled with the increase in sales of tablets and smartphones.

UK internet users

Internet users aged 16 spent on an average of 20 hours and 30 minutes on the internet every week in 2014. The figure was up from 9 hours and 54 minutes in 2005. Report from OfCom’s Media Use and Attitudes 2015 report that it was the biggest increase in the internet among the 16-24 year old people. The number has tripled from 10 hours and 24 minutes every week in 2005 to 27 hours and 36 minutes by the end of 2014.

The new trend has been seen in recent times with the increase in sales of tablets and smartphones. It has been noticed that the smartphone use in the last five years has doubled from 30 percent in adults in 2010 to 66 percent in 2014. Only 5 percent of adults reported that they used a tablet to go online in 2010.

Some of the activities like watching video clips, instant messaging, playing games and social media has led to the mobile internet use in the UK. Moreover, the proportion of people watching video clips has doubled in the past eight years.

Photo Credits: rediff