China Earthquake Update – China Starts Rebuilding Quake Affected Areas


UK Today News: China Earthquake Update – China Starts Rebuilding Quake Affected Areas

Swiftness has come in the rescue and rebuilding of China’s earthquake affected zones. Heavy construction machinery and trucks carrying aid to the survivors could be seen in the streets of Jiegu in this remote town of China.

China Earthquake

Earthquake survivors ran towards the trucks from their tents, with women trying to scoop in some bread rolls and packets of noodle into their aprons. Army trucks sprayed water on the streets to reduce dust and provide water to the survivors – just in time before an epidemic brakes through, with almost 5 days without running water.

The earthquake took place on 19th April 2010 and has killed almost 1706 people and injured around 12,128. The development in aid distribution came when President Hu Jintao cancelled his trip to South America to deal with this disaster.