Fuel Truck Explodes in San Antonio Refinery


UK Today News: Fuel Truck Explodes in San Antonio Refinery

San Antonio Refinery explosion : Fire fighter were battling an alarm that came off, when a truck exploded in the refinery in the south side of San Antonio, injuring at least one.

San Antonio Refinery

Locations and residents as far as 3 miles away are been evacuated as the plume of black clouds rose from the site of explosion. Cindy Campbell head of the AGE refinery told that the truck caught fire when it was docking.

The AGE Company serves that Air force by providing them with aviation fuel and diesel.

There were still unofficial reports that were coming up of another secondary explosion. Campbell said that it is confirmed that one person is injured possibly burned and others who were there are complaining of chest pains due to the smoke.

The main concern for the fire fighters is the nearby fuel supplies and the extent of the fire which is active.

Other point of concern is the fine particulate matter which is in the air due to the explosion, which can be a lung irritant and cause damage to the people who are inhaling it. It was the neighbors who were in the surrounding of the explosion who were the first to witness it. They heard a huge explosion only to come out of their houses to see this huge plume of smoke.