Man Shoots Girlfriend Then Himself in Chicago Old Navy Store‎


UK Today News: Man shoots Girlfriend then Himself in Chicago Old Navy store‎

Old Navy Shooting: Chicago police stated that a man shot and killed his girlfriend, then he shot himself to death.

Shooting at Chicago Old Navy store‎

The incident occurred inside the Old Navy Town in Chicago today. Chicago police reached the scene and confirmed the reports of the murder and suicide at around 11.00 am. Police stated that, this man walked into the store, turned towards his girlfriend shot, and killed her, then decided to kill himself and he did so.

The woman killed was an employee at the store. Then two ambulances were called, incase of any one being injured, but sadly no transport was made back to the hospital. The examiner from Cook County didn’t give any relevant and firm information about the dead people, as the investigator had not reached the scene.

After the shootings had taken place, crowds of pedestrians and onlookers were standing and looking in shock towards the store where the crime took place. The place of the incident is just blocks away from the Chicago City Hall. Police had lowered the metal gates of the store and a yellow crime scene tape had blocked off the crime scene.