Preakness Stakes 2010 Results – Preakness Winners And Results Revealed, Lookin At Lucky Wins


UK Today News: Preakness Stakes 2010 Results – Preakness Winners And Results Revealed, Lookin At Lucky Wins

Preakness Stakes 2010, Preakness Results, Preakness Stakes 2010 Results, Preakness Winners: At the Pimlico Race Course in Baltimore, Maryland, Lookin at Lucky ran like there was no tomorrow and went on to win the 135th Grade 1 $1,000,000 Preakness Stakes.


According to reports, the race for betting favoritism was between Super Saver and Lookin at Lucky, before the race took place.

However, Super Saver ended up at 9-to-5 with $3,472,187 bet, whereas Lucky was 2-to-1 with $2,977,897 wagered.

Here are the Preakness Stakes 2010 results and the winner list:

Lookin At Lucky
First Dude
Jackson Bend
Yawanna Twist
Paddy O’Prado
Super Saver
Schoolyard Dreams
Pleasant Prince
Northern Giant