Space Shuttle Landing – Atlantis To Land Today At Kennedy Space Center, Florida


UK Today News: Space Shuttle Landing – Atlantis To Land Today At Kennedy Space Center, Florida

Space shuttle Atlantis, which lifted off into space for its final voyage on May 14, 2010, will be landing on Wednesday morning. This will mark the end of 25 years of the orbiter’s shuttle program.

Atlantis Space shuttle

Atlantis, which made a trip to the international space station, is scheduled to land at Kennedy Space Center in Florida at 8:48 a.m. ET. Reports say that the space shuttle landing depends on the weather and that the forecast looked like it was mostly favourable – except for a small likelihood of rain.

Atlantis, took off on Friday afternoon from Kennedy Space Center. It is one of the three currently operational orbiters of NASA. Discovery and Endeavour are the other two space shuttles.

According to CNN : “In an April speech, Obama outlined his proposal to pump an additional $6 billion into NASA’s budget over the next five years while halting a project to resume lunar missions.”

Atlantis is currently flying its last flight, STS-132, and after this it will be the end of the shuttle program.

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