Alabama Election Results 2010 – Ron Sparks, Steve Raby Win; Griffith, Davis Lose


UK Today News: Alabama Election Results 2010 – Ron Sparks, Steve Raby Win; Griffith, Davis Lose

Alabama Election Results 2010: The 2010 Alabama election results have been declared and Ron Sparks beat Artur Davis to become the Democratic candidate for governor of Alabama. Sparks won by a margin of 62%-38%. A Republican candidate is yet to be determined.

Ron Sparks
Ron Sparks

Alabama Republican Rep. Parker Griffith lost his re-election bid after Madison County Commissioner Mo Brooks beat him by a margin of 51%-33% on Tuesday. Brooks will go on to face Democrat and former congressional aide Steve Raby – who won the Democratic primary for the 5th District Congressional seat.

Steve Raby
Steve Raby

After winning, Steve Raby said: “We were very hopeful and confident that we could win without a runoff, that means 50 percent, plus one vote. To get over 60 percent of the vote is really humbling.”