New Apple iPhone 4 Features – Gyroscope and Retinal Display


UK Today News: New Apple iPhone 4 Features – Gyroscope and Retinal Display

Gyroscope and Retinal Display features in the iPhone : The News that’s hot in the World of technology is the launch of the new iPhone 4G by Apple and Apple has decided to call the new iPhone, iPhone 4

Gyroscope and Retinal Display

While Steve Jobs announced today that the new iPhone 4 will be launched on the 24th of June, he also explained some brand new features that the new iPhone will bring along.

At the Apple Conference in San Francisco Steve Jobs explained about the new “Retinal Display” and Gyroscope feature.

By Retinal Display the Apple iPhone 4 will give a 4x pixel density which means that the text will look much clearer than before, and Steve Jobs went on to say that “there has never been a display like this.”
Now, thats enough reason for many to buy the iPhone 4G already.

Steve Jobs went on to explain about the Gyroscope feature. The major advantage of the Gyroscope feature in the iPhone 4g will be for gaming, a user will be able to tilt the handset in any direction while gaming on the iPhone. For Eg, the Guitar Hero app. This would provide a much better gaming experience, compared to the previous iPhone models.

Click Here for some Picture of the iPhone 4G