Israel Agrees To Lift Gaza Blockade on Flotillas – Enters Into Agreement With UN


UK Today News: Israel Agrees To Lift Gaza Blockade on Flotillas – Enters Into Agreement With UN

Israel Agreement: Israel today said that it is has made an agreement with the United Nations, which will permit them to let thousands of tonnes of human aid reach Gaza, with the help of the Gaza-bound flotilla which was attacked by Israeli naval commandos some days back.

Gaza blockade cleared

The Israeli military officials today stated that the UN will monitor the distribution of aid in the Gaza strip. The aid provided includes, clothes, food and medicine.

But the most important point here is that Israel has allowed to let go all of the human aid that was deployed to Gaza. Some of the materials which has been included in the aid are cement and building equipment, which is clearly banned by the Israeli government to be given to Gaza. Israel had banned these items because they fear that the Hamas people may start building bunkers with these materials.