BP CEO Tony Hayward To Hand Over Oil Spill Responsibility To Bob Dudley


UK Today News: BP CEO Tony Hayward To Hand Over Oil Spill Responsibility To Bob Dudley

Tony Hayward, Oil Spill: BP CEO Tony Hayward has reportedly said that he will no longer be involved in matters related to the oil spill relief efforts that are being carried out by the company. This announcement comes barely a day after Hayward was grilled by members of a House committee over BP’s role in the Gulf of Mexico oil spill – the worst oil spill ever in USA.

Tony Hayward
BP CEO Tony Hayward

Reports say that BP’s chairman, Carl-Henric Svanberg, stated that Hayward “is now handing over the operations, the daily operations, to Bob Dudley ”after being on the scene for the past 8 weeks.

Robert Dudley aka Bob Dudley is an American oil executive, and has worked with the BP in the role as the Managing Director since 2009.

However, newer reports from CNN state that Hayward is still in control of Gulf oil spill response. CNN reports: “BP spokesman Andrew Gowers tells CNN that Svanberg was just reflecting a June 4 announcement about BP Managing Director Bob Dudley taking over the long-term disaster response. He said Hayward’s current role has not changed.”

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