Billions of Dollars Unaccounted By U.S For Iraq Reconstruction


UK Today News: Billion of Dollars Unaccounted By US For Iraq Reconstruction

An official from the Federal department has accused the US military of not providing any accounts for the billions of dollars sent for the reconstruction of Iraq.

Iraq reconstruction

The Special Inspector General of Iraq Reconstruction, stated that the US Department of Defense in unable to provide any authentic accountabilty for 96% of the funds provided to the reconstruction of Iraq.

The Inspector stated that the government had sent $9 Billion for the reconstruction of the country, out of which $8.7 could not be accounted by the department.

The US military in response has said that it is not necessary that the funds have been missing, rather the expense records might have been archived.

The money acquired to use for the reconstruction has come mostly from the sale of Iraqi oil, and some of Saddam Hussien’s assets. The funds which are gone unaccounted, were the funds that the US adminsitration had released during the years 2004 to 2007.

Source: BBC