Kathryn Rogers and Rush Limbaugh Wedding Photos Revealed On Facebook


UK Today News: Kathryn Rogers and Rush Limbaugh Wedding Photos Revealed On Facebook

Rush Limbaugh and Kathryn Rogers got married in the month of June 2010 in Palm Beach, and many were saying that British singer Sir Elton John had performed for their wedding; but we don’t really know if that happened as it was never confirmed. Rush Limbaugh and Sir. Elton John seemed and odd couple as Sir. Elton John is an outspoken gay civil-union advocate and 63 year old Rush Limbaugh a radio commentator and a conservative one.

Kathryn Rogers and Rush Limbaugh

Rush Limbaugh and  Kathryn Rogers

But, now all this past talk has come to an end as Rush Limbaugh and Kathryn Rogers revealed their Wedding photos/pictures on their Facebook album and many of the pictures have Sir. Elton John in them. This is enough proof of Sir Elton John being present at Rush Limbaugh and Kathryn Rogers wedding. The Facebook page of Rush Limbaugh is where all their wedding pictures can be viewed and its not public.

This evidence is enough for all to be sure that Sir. Elton John was at the wedding and he performed for sure as he is seen in one picture with his piano. Check out Rush limbaugh wedding photos on his Facebook page – Click Here to view Rush Limbaugh’s Wedding photos

The Facebook page where the Kathryn Rogers and Rush Limbaugh wedding photos appears to be public for now, but that may not be the case always.