Pope Benedict XVI Meets Prime Minister David Cameron On his Visit


UK Today News: Pope Benedict XVI Meets Prime Minister David Cameron On his Visit

Finally Pope Benedict XVI meets Prime Minister David Cameron part of his four day visit on the third day, along with meeting David Cameron, Pope Benedict XVI also met acting Labour leader Harriet Harman and Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg.

The Pope will be celebrating Mass at Westminster Cathedral and later he will be visiting a lot of old people in south London
He will then celebrate Mass at Westminster Cathedral before visiting a home for older people in south London. The day will end for the Pope after his pray vigil at Hyde Park.

At the open air prayer vigil service at London’s Hyde Park later in the evening around 80,000 or more people are expected to attend.

About 80,000 people are expected to attend the open-air vigil in London’s Hyde Park later.

The Pope will surely be very happy with the amount of love the people have showed towards his visit to the country.