Flintstones Google Doodle Celebrates 50th Anniversary Of The Cartoon Series Today


UK Today News: Flintstones Google Doodle Celebrates 50th Anniversary Of The Cartoon Series Today

A very colorful Flintstones Google Doodle greets visitors on Google’s homepage since the American animated sitcom, ‘The Flintstones’ is celebrating it’s 50th anniversary today, September 30, 2010. The Google home page will display the ‘Flintstone Google Doodle’ throughout the day.

The Flintstones

‘The Flintstones’ was a Hanna-Barbara production that was first aired on September 30, 1960 and ran successfully for six years till April 1, 1966. The animated series’ most loved characters include Fred, Wilma, , Betty, Barney, Pebbles, BamBam and Dino, who are still being imitated after so many years.

The Flintstones were the ‘new’ Stone Age animated cartoon series which stopped airing in 1966, and it even had a movie based on the characters called Viva Rock Vegas, which was released in 2000.

Google Doodles are the decorative logos that celebrate holidays, anniversaries and birthdays of famous personalities. So, ‘The Flintstones’ are the lucky ones to have a Doodle today courtesy Google. Yaba Daba Do to that!

The Flintstones Google Doodle (Credit: Google)