Research Shows Increase In Phone Usage While Driving To Access Social Networking Sites


UK Today News: Research Shows Increase In Phone Usage While Driving To Access Social Networking Sites

Should social networking be termed a boon or a bane? Critics insist it could possibly be the latter one, because new research states that it can prove hazardous for technology freaks, who get excited and stop their vehicles midway just to check alerts on their phones from sites such as Facebook and Twitter.

In a recent survey, it was found that 21 per cent people accepted the fact that they check updates while driving. The study was conducted by RAC.

Checking emails, using Google maps, browsing through music, photos and using Facebook are some of the applications which people have admitted to use while on the run. Besides, people even admit to getting curious and looking at the phone to know who is calling.

Adrian Tink, the strategist for RAC motoring said, “Taking your eye off the road, just for a second, to read an alert or check who a call came from can have potentially fatal results. This steep rise in mobile phone usage at the wheel could potentially be set to continue as more and more people embrace smart phone technology.”

The survey also claimed that people receiving phone calls and sending text messages while driving has tripled in the span of past one year. If this continues to happen, then probably the number of hospitals too would be need to increase.