Legalization Of Marijuana In California Loses By A Small Margin


UK Today News: Legalization Of Marijuana In California Loses By A Small Margin

The legalization of Marijuana in the state of California has lost by a very small margin, as it signifies that the majority of voters in the state are against the legalization this drug. As per the supporters of the Proposition 19, they say that less than half of the young voters showed up for the vote, and most of the people who voted were elderly and non supporters of this proposition.

Stephen Gutwillig, California director for the Drug Policy Project commented on the legalizing process and also the vote stating that

“It’s still a historic moment in this very long struggle to end decades of failed marijuana prohibition.”

Tim Rosales, on the other hand, was quite happy being on the winning side, as he was dead against the legalization.

One of the grave consequences of legalizing marijuana is that all people who are secretly addicted to this drug, will freely be smoking it and showing up at work, colleges and other public places, which will be very dangerous and at times will be uncontrollable.

In a statement, the White House Drug Policy Director Gil Kerlikowske said, “Today, Californians recognized that legalizing marijuana will not make our citizens healthier, solve California’s budget crisis, or reduce drug related violence in Mexico.”

If the proposal in California went through, it would permit adults 21 and above to possess the drug up to an ounce, in addition to allowing people to consume it in places which are not public places.