Detention of children of failed asylum seekers in the UK to end in May 2011


UK Today News: The U.K. government has announced that detention of children of failed asylum seekers, will come to an end in May 2011. Reports state that the parents who are waiting forced deportation will continue to be detained in secured houses, while their children will be given minders so that, they could have the independence to move.

Photo Credit: Reuters

U.K’s Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg said that such a move will make the UK have the most child friendly immigration system in the world. “The change prioritises doing the right thing over looking and sounding tough. Reforms which will give the UK one of the most child-friendly immigration systems in the developed world,” Clegg said.

The move was a part of the commitment by the Liberal Democrat manifesto, and was implemented as part of the coalition agreement after elections. The changes will shut down Yarl’s Wood detention centre’s family section in Bedfordshire immediately — since campaigners have been urging to stop holding children in detention centres.