Joanna Yeates murder investigations – Jefferies expects to be released from police enquiries


UK Today News: The only suspect so far in the Joanna Yeates murder case, Chris Jefferies, expects to be released soon from the enquiry of the murder. Jefferies was the landlord of the late British architect and was arrested under suspicion.

Reports state that Jefferies had told one of his friends Irving Steggles about his hopes to get released. Steggles said, “It seems to me that he was arrested without a shred of evidence against him other than that he owned a flat in the same block. I can see why the police wanted to question him, but I do not think it was necessary that he be arrested.”

Jefferies was released on 1st January after being interrogated for three days by the police. The police, as a part of the investigation, is searching the drains around Joanna’s flat. Sources have said that some 40 drains will be searched in the investigation.

Steggles has also advised his friend Jefferies to take legal action against the police for wrongful arrest.