Budget day reveals increase in jobless rate


Thousands of young people from around the country have been joining dole queues, as the rate for unemployment has steadily gone up. This is the first rise that has been noted in a year, even as chancellor George Osborne delivers the Budget to the House of Commons. Within the first quarter of 2013, the total number of jobless individuals reached 2.52 million, which is a jump of 7,000. The number of young adults who do not have work has reached 993,000.

UK Jobless

Dave Prentis, who is the general secretary of Unison, said that half a decade ago the number of unemployed people were fewer by a million than the present day and that this was an indication that the government had failed its people.

Even though private sector hiring has increased and the total number of jobless people was not as high as a year ago, the trend that is being followed is not very encouraging. The number of people working for local governments also took a fall by 32,000. One year ago the unemployment rate was 8.3 percent and now it is 7.8 percent.

There were a few positives though. The people unemployed for over a year reached 887,000, which was a drop of 16,000. Moreover, around 11,000 people were added to the central government payroll.