Emma Watson’s feminism speech at the UN – A hard-hitting note


Emma Watson speaks her mind about Feminism at the United Nations in New York and launches the “HeForShe” campaign.

Mostly remembered for her role as the feisty Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter series, Emma Watson donned a different role – UN Women Goodwill Ambassador – as she addressed a gathering of dignitaries and politicians at the United Nations head quarters in New York.

Emma Watson's feminism speech at the UN

The 24-year-old spoke zealously about Feminism and the dire straits that it is in. Emma has been associated with the UN’s mission – “HeForShe” campaign – for the past 6 months now. The campaign is “A Solidarity Movement for Gender Equality”, and that is exactly what the actress touched upon in her speech.

Emma begun by giving the audiences a short preface to how she stumbled upon her status of feminism. Feminism has been associated with “man-hating”, “anti-men” and “aggressive” and also, it has become an “unpopular word”, said Emma.

The Oxford and Brown University graduate narrated in an impassioned manner her tryst with gender stereotypes as a child, “I started questioning gender-based assumptions when at eight I was confused at being called “bossy,” because I wanted to direct the plays we would put on for our parents—but the boys were not.”

Her words were redolent of the scores of feminist voices that have been advocating feminism as a cause of concern for both men and women. Bridging the gender divide should not only be something women should be crying out for, it is also the onus of men.

Her voice has a hint of tremor in it, but her words were solid and were ultimately met with a standing ovation.

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Here is a link to Emma Watson’s full speech.