Mass Save Appliance Rebates – Has Mass Saves on Earth Day 2010


UK Today News: Mass Save Appliance Rebates – Has Mass Saves on Earth Day 2010

Mass Save Appliance Rebate and Earth Day 2010 is celebrated today, April 22 2010, and a thing to look forward to is the Mass Save Rebate which begins at 10am today.

appliance rebate

The Mass Save Rebate will help US residents to save money on certain appliance purchases. One thing that you could do today – Earth Day 2010 – is to activities should be checking out the Mass Save rebates, especially if you need new appliances.

Reports say that energy saving appliances come under the category of appliances that you can get under the Mass Save Rebate.

Don’t forget to check out the list of stores that are taking part in the Mass Save Rebate 2010. Also, make sure that you mail in the Mass Save Rebate form accompanied with a sales receipt and electric bill copy , once you buy an appliance.

Call this number to get a Mass Save Rebate reservation number and form – 1-877-627-9271 or you can visit