Blackberry Bold 9650 – RIM Unveils New Blackberry Smartphone


UK Today News: Blackberry Bold 9650 – RIM Unveils New Blackberry Smartphone

Research in Motion (RIM) unveiled its newest smartphone model on Monday called the Blackberry Bold 9650.


According to reports, the Blackberry Bold 9650 has features that are similar to that of the Bold 9700 – which already happens to be on AT&T and T-Mobile in the U.S., Bell and Rogers in Canada, as well as some others.

Here are some of the main features of the Blackberry Bold9650:
– It has a 480×360 display
– 3.2 MP camera
– 512 MB of RAM
– 802.11 b/g Wi-Fi
– microSD/SDHC slot for up to 32 GB of storage (2 GB card included)
– Full HTML Web browser
– BlackBerry Media Sync (connects to iTunes)

Currently Verizon, Sprint and other CDMA carriers have another product similar to the Blackberry Bold 9650 called the BlackBerry Tour 9630.

Mike Lazaridis, the RIM President said, “The new BlackBerry Bold 9650 is an extraordinary smartphone that we think customers will love.”