Phillies Fan Tasered After Running In the Middle of Phillies Game at Citizens Bank Park


UK Today News: Phillies Fan Tasered After Running In the Middle of Phillies Game at Citizens Bank Park

Phillies Fan Tasered (Photo) – A 17 year old Phillies fan who started running on the field in the middle of a game, was tasered by a policeman at Citizens Bank Park.


The teenager was wearing khaki pants and his team’s red T-Shirt from the national league. Reports say that as he was running around the ground and being dashed here and there, a police official used a Taser to pull him down flat – since he was tasered from behind.

Although the Phillies fan tasered incident did not go live on TV, the news came to light after many fans, who used personal handy cams and cell phones to shoot the incident, published it on YouTube.

Reports say that the authorities who used this kind of brutality against the young boy and a dedicated Phillies fan, are under the scanner. The internal affairs bureau will be personally looking into the case to judge the force of the police used on the boy was fair or cruelty.

Is this kind of brutality needed in such tiny harmless incidents?