Who Won The Amazing Race 2010 – Amazing Race 16 Winners Are Daniel and Jordan Pious


UK Today News: Who Won The Amazing Race 2010 – Amazing Race 16 Winners Are Daniel and Jordan Pious

Who Won The Amazing Race 2010, Amazing Race 16 Winner: The Amazing Race 2010 finale that was aired tonight, showed how the three final teams raced around San Francisco, and crossed the finish line of the sixteenth season of the “The Amazing Race” show to become the Amazing Race 2010 winner.

amazing race

The winners of this season of the Amazing Race are the brothers from Barrington, Rhode Island – Daniel and Jordan Pious. They go on to win the coveted $1,000,000.

Daniel and Jordan Pious overtook the other two final teams – runners up: Team Cowboys, which consisted of brothers Jet and Cord McCoy from Tupelo, Oklahoma and third place winners – the couple from South Carolina, which comprised of former Miss Teen South Carolina, Caite Upton from Lexington and model Brent Home from Columbia.

In the Amazing Race 16 finale, which saw the teams move from Shanghai Airport to Candlestick Park in San Francisco, the runners up team McCoys came in a very close second to the winners.