Gaza Flotilla Update – New Aid Ship Leaves For Gaza Two Days After Israeli Attack


UK Today News: Gaza Flotilla Update – New Aid Ship Leaves For Gaza Two Days After Israeli Attack

Gaza Flotilla Update 2010, Israel Turkey: A Gaza-bound aid flotilla has reportedly sailed off towards Palestine, barely two days after Israel’s attack on another flotilla ship. The new ship is packed with activists and aid supplies.

Gaza Flotilla

Reports say that “The Rachel Corrie”, a ship named after an American activist who was killed in Gaza a few years ago, is expected to arrive in Gaza on Friday night or Saturday morning.

CNN states that “the vessel left Ireland carrying 550 tons of cement, educational materials, toys and medical equipment — the latest effort by peace activists to deliver food and break Israel’s blockade of Gaza.”

Israeli commandos boarded the deck of a Turkish ship from a helicopter and opened fire on unarmed civilians at 4:30 am on May 31, killing almost 20 people on board. The Gaza flotilla attack put a severe strain on Israel Turkey relations.