Oil Spill Florida : US Tests Confirms Existence Of Big Underwater Oil Plumes In The Gulf Oil Spill


UK Today News: Oil Spill Florida : US Tests Confirms Existence Of Big Underwater Oil Plumes In The Gulf Oil Spill

Official scientists had reported that the presence oil plumes in the gulf were very low and on the other hand the US Coast Guard Chief, Thad Allen stated that, the containment cap which has been used by the BP has helped them to a certain limit to curb with the disaster, they are fairly successful in capping the leaking from the well.

Oil plumes

But this was not the same sort of reaction from the US President; he rather criticized the BP officials and blamed them in relation with the disaster.

According to the tests done by the US National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration, they have now confirmed that there is an existence of oil some 3300 feet or 1000 meters below the sea level which is some 42 miles north east and 142 south east from the leakage site.

Scientist say that, these oil plumes which are present in the water are very difficult to clean up, and they also cause damage in the area where they are present as they deplete that oxygen levels, hampering sea life.

BP officials had previously done their own tests in search of oil plumes in the water, their reports came up stating that there was no evidence of existence showing or indicating oil plume in that area.

BP chief executive, Tony Hayward, too stated that the oil is present on the surface and not below the water.