iPhone 4 Press Conference – AT&T Contracts Are NOT Included In iPhone4 Refunds


UK Today News: iPhone 4 Press Conference – AT&T Contracts Are NOT Included In iPhone4 Refunds

The technology giant, Apple, has announced that it would providing a full refunding to its unhappy customers with the newly launched iPhone4. But the refund does not apply in to the customers who want to terminate their contract with AT&T after 30 days.

The AT&T spokesperson stated that, the customers would still enjoy the liberty of cancelling or terminating their contract before the 30 days of purchase of an AT&T handset.

customers have the right to cancel their account, or return the handset, or even exchange it for a different device, well within the time period of 30 days. This move has come by Apple, after the reception problems found in their new device.

The exchange scheme states that the costumers would be provided with an external casing to solve the reception issue. Even if the customers are not satisfied with the hand set they have the full opportunity to give up the phone, in return of a complete refund.

Apple chief, Steve Jobs, was asked about the AT&T return policy he stated that the 30 day return policy still applies to their customers.

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