Apple’s New iPod Nano, Touch, Shuffle Revealed – Apple TV, iTunes 10 Get New Look


UK Today News: Apple’s New iPod Nano, Touch, Shuffle Revealed – Apple TV, iTunes 10 Get New Look

Apple’s highly anticipated 2010 September music event in San Francisco on Wednesday, saw CEO Steve Jobs dishing out a new range if iPods for it’s iPod Touch, Shuffle, Nano models, in addition to a new Apple TV.

iPod Nano Shuffle

The previously released models of the Apple iPod Nano

The big winner and most talked about product at the Apple press conference has got to be the iPod. Apple’s big announcement of three new iPods is definitely great news for all iPod fans. The iPod Shuffle is set for a new look and won’t be the “no buttons” iPod anymore, the iPod Nano is set to become smallere – the downside is that it can’t play video; whereas iPod Touch is set to become sleeker and thinner with features similar to that of the iPhone 4. The best part is that the iPods will be available to all from next week onwards.

So what other new additions were announced at the Apple press conference besides the iPod? Apple announced the launch of an upgraded version of iOS called iOS 4.1. This new version will help in fixing bugs, in addition to helping developers with the Game Center API. iTunes 10 is set for a new look, thanks to a brand new logo, in addition to a social music service aptly known as “Ping”. And on the other hand, Apple TV will be a lot more smaller, and a bit cheaper at a price tag of $99.

UK Today News: Apple’s New iPod Nano, Touch, Shuffle Revealed – Apple TV, iTunes 10 Get New Look

Apple’s highly anticipated 2010 September music event in San Francisco on Wednesday, saw CEO Steve Jobs dishing out a new range if iPods for it’s iPod Touch, Shuffle, Nano models, in addition to a new Apple TV.

iPod Nano Shuffle

The big winner and most talked about product at the Apple press conference has got to be the iPod. Apple’s big announcement of three new iPods is definitely great news for all iPod fans. The iPod Shuffle is set for a new look and won’t be the “no buttons” iPod anymore, the iPod Nano is set to become smaller and will have – the downside is that it can’t play video; whereas iPod Touch is set to become sleeker and thinner with features similar to that of the iPhone 4. The best part is that the iPods will be available to all from next week onwards.

So what other new additions were announced at the Apple press conference besides the iPod? Apple announced the launch of an upgraded version of iOS called iOS 4.1. This new version will help in fixing bugs, in addition to helping developers with the Game Center API. iTunes 10 is set for a new look, thanks to a brand new logo, in addition to a social music service aptly known as Ping. And on the other hand, Apple TV will be a lot more smaller, and a bit cheaper at a price tag of $99.