The National Coffee Day Celebrated Today In USA


UK Today News: The National Coffee Day Celebrated Today In USA

USA is celebrating ‘The National Coffee Day’ today that is September 29, 2010. Coffee is the second most needed and consumed in the world, the first being the oil.

Coffee originated in Ethiopia back in 15th century and since has increased its fans list, the number of consumers. People have coffee because either they love to, are addicted to or to keep them fresh at work. Coffee actually has become the necessity of an individual’s life.

Coffee is made from the roasted coffee seeds or coffee beans that are plucked from the coffee plant. Coffee is not something that is rarely produced in fact 70 countries all over the world, cultivate coffee.

The statistics report that Brazil topped the list of green coffee last year that is in 2009 and Vietnam, Indonesia and Colombia happened to follow the topper. Asia cultivates Arabica coffee beans that are also grown in Latin America, eastern part of Africa and Arabia.

Sources: Updated Trends