Toxic Sludge In Hungary Threatens Danube River – Clean up In Progress


UK Today News: Toxic Sludge In Hungary Threatens Danube River – Clean up In Progress

Toxic Sludge Hungary 2010 – A red toxic sludge that has flooded a rural region of Hungary, has reportedly entered the Danube river on Thursday, and is now threatening the river’s ecology. Officials are trying their level best to contain the flow of the sludge in to the river. CNN reports that 4 people have died as a result of the toxic sludge.

(Photo: Tomas Benedikovic/Getty)

Reports state that the red toxic sludge originated from a local aluminum plant reservoir on Monday, and it has a very high content of lead in it. For this reason, around 100 people have been reported to have suffered chemical burn injuries. Rescue workers are working in double shifts to help people stuck in the sludge flood and are trying to contain it.

Hungary’s Catastrophe Protection Unit has started to pour plaster and fertilizers into the sludge, in an attempt to break down the alkalinity of the toxic material. It has now been reported that the industrial reservoir from where the sludge breached out, has been repaired and the flow of the liquid has been completely stopped. The only fear now is the sludge that remains out side, which is posing dangerous threat to the ecology. Clean up work is o progress, while 3 counties have declared a state of emergency.