AT&T ends Sponsorship Deal with Tiger Woods


The World’s top golfer Tiger Woods turned 34 on December 30th last year and one would expect celebrations from a person as big as Tiger. But instead, all his celebrations were tamed as a result of the series of adultrous affair claims that plagued his life last year.

To add to it all, telecom giant AT&T dropped him from sposoring the brand- that means no more ads or logo for this tiger.


A spokesman for AT&T told the Wall Street Journal: “We are ending our sponsorship agreement with Tiger Woods and wish him well in the future”.

Tiger Woods had a seemingly perfect life with a Swedish model Elin as his wife and two lovely kids, but his world went in self-destructive mode after the string of Tiger’s affairs came into the limelight towards the end of last year.

Tiger and Elin have since drifted away.

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