Mary MacKillop Becomes Australia’s First Catholic Saint


UK Today News: Mary MacKillop Becomes Australia’s First Catholic Saint

Mary MacKillop has become Australia’s first ever Catholic saint, after she was officially declared a Saint by Pope Benedict, at the Vatican in Rome on Sunday. She was canonised as Saint Mary MacKillop of the Cross.

Saint Mary MacKillop of the Cross

It was indeed a joyous day for Catholics around the world, as Pope Benedict addressed a crowd of tens of thousands pilgrims in Latin, at Saint Peter’s Square. At the Vatican in Rome, the Pope also canonised five other saints from Canada, Italy, Poland and Spain.

The 19th-century nun was revered by many, for exposing an abusive priest, in addition to her humility and service to people. Mary MacKillop is known to have co-founded the Sisters of St. Joseph of the Sacred Heart, back in 1867, and was praised for her work with the rural poor across Australia and New Zealand.

Pope Benedcit said of Mary MacKillop, “Notwithstanding many sorrowful trials the small community began to grow and to be diffused throughout the Australian continent and despite personal difficulties Sister Mary never lost the generosity of her spirit or her complete confidence in divine providence.”

The announcement of the canonization of Mary MacKillop, led to cheers among the crowds and thousands of Australians who were present at the Vatican.