Iran’s Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani to be hanged today, according to Human Rights group


UK Today News: Iran’s Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani to be hanged today, according to Human Rights group

Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani will be executed on Thursday, November 3, 2010, according to reports from a human rights group. The Iranian national who was convicted on the charges of adultery, was awarded ‘death by stoning’ initially, but international interference in the case made the judiciary of Iran, change its decision and Ashtiani will be hanged instead.

Photo: AP

According to the Islamic Law prevailing in Iran, an accused for murder is awarded ‘death by hanging’ and accused for adultery is awarded ‘death by stoning’. This law is in force since 1979, when the Islamic Revolution took place. The International Committee Against Stoning (ICAS) has also approved Ashtiani’s execution.

The ICAS posted on their official website, “The authorities in Tehran have given the go-ahead to Tabriz prison for the execution of Iran stoning case Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani.”

Ashtiani’s stoning sentence was named as medieval, barbaric and brutal by some of the prominent political and religious personalities. Officials have not commented or denied the report.