Britain heading towards coldest winter in 300 years


UK Today News: Forecasters have warned that Britain is heading towards the coldest winter in 300 years incase if the freezing weather continues. So far the average temperature recorded was -0.8 C, which was colder than any year since 1683/84, when the temperatures had gone up to -1.17 C.

It is noticed that the cold temperature in the month of January and February depends on the temperatures in December. This had indicated that this winter may be the coldest in records.

The MET officials have warned that the temperatures may go down after the New Year’s Day, though it has been warmer these days. David Briton of the MET office has said that, the winters are at the moment unpredictable for the month of February.

“We could be heading for a colder than average winter. But there is a long way to go. We have a couple of months,” David said. It is also said that if this winter, the records are broken then it would be the lowest temperature in more than 1,000 years.
