Google to pull back support for older web browsers?


UK Today News: Search engine giant Google has reportedly announced that it will be pulling out support for the older browsers from 1st August 2011 onwards. In some bad news for those who use Safari 3, FireFox 3.5, IE 7 and other browsers, who use them to view Gmail, calendar, Google docs and Sites, the move by Google will deprive users of older browsers of certain functions.

The search engine has warned that the web services will eventually stop working for those who use older versions. Google has taken the drastic move in order to stop users from using the older version of the browsers, which can be a threat for the PCs, in terms of security.

The company has initiated the move to encourage latest web technologies. The announcement was made in a blog post saying that the engineers need to make use of the latest technologies of the browsers, which require the support of HTML 5 technology.

Google has given the term ‘Modern browsers’ to the latest web technologies and will pull out support from the older versions from 1st August 2011. Google will now only support the latest versions of Fire Fox, Chrome, IE and Safari and will drop support from the older versions.