High Street discounts begin as Christmas approaches


As Christmas fast approaches, a variety of stores have started announcing and launching discounts across the country. Hobbs, H&M and Marks & Spencer are just a few of the high street names that are tempting customers with their holiday offers.

Debenhams will be launching a six-day Christmas Spectacular sale from November 13, 2012, with every department offering up discounts of up to 25 percent. A lot depends on shoppers this Christmas, as stores struggle with sales. Analysts are concerned that many stores could even close down due to poor performance.

The chairman of the fashion chain Hobbs, Iain MacRitchie, said that discount trends have been shifting every year, with more discounts being offered this year, as compared to the last. He went on to say that the there has been a five-fold increase in money-off activity as compared to three years ago.

MacRitchie said that shoppers have become ‘savvier’ at finding bargains and that the discounts this year will start earlier and will have larger margins as compared to the last 3 – 4 years.

According to the Telegraph’s website, the following are some high street discounts that will hit soon:

H&M – Upto 50 per cent on certain lines

Marks & Spencer – 3 for 2 offers for Christmas

River Island – Upto 30 per cent off on Seasonal offers

Hobbs – £75 off selected boots and coats

Sainsbury’s – half price on selected toys and bikes

Debenhams – Christmas Spectacular sale on November 13, 2012 for six days, with 25 percent discounts

Boots – 3 for 2 on gifts

Comet – stock liquidation sale

Reiss – 50 per cent off select goods in Mid-season sale

Asda – 2 for £20 on selected toys