Ambitious airport plans in Birmingham revealed


The recent proposal to turn Birmingham Airport into a hub which would enable it to carry more passengers and, along the way, handle more flights than Heathrow, is going to be revealed on Monday, June 10, 2013.

Birmingham Airport, England, UK

The blueprint would clearly portray a modernized, two-runway airport set to be opened by 2026, which is around the same time as the first stage of 225mph train service to London, bound to make journey from the airport to the city in just 38 minutes.

Birmingham, which is owned by local authorities, its own management group and private investors, had previously put forward its plans to become London’s fifth airport. However, the latest blueprint presented is far more aspiring, as it shows the new airport handling 500,000 flights and 70 million passengers per year, which is slightly bigger than the numbers Heathrow is dealing with. According to the blueprint, the airport would be built and in the process would use the wasteland, rather than destroy any properties.

Birmingham, counting on its connectivity with HS2, not only makes the airport very easily accessible from London, but also from Manchester and Leeds if the high-speed route gets completed by 2032.