Energy firms among most disliked UK companies


A poll of 2,056 people which was conducted over the weekend stated that energy firms in the UK got a positive rating of merely 28.2 out of 100. The tobacco companies managed to score 25.6 percent, while the payday loan companies scored the least, 15.7 percent.


It was found that the country’s energy companies are the third most disliked companies at the moment. The recent poll was conducted as some of the UK’s biggest energy companies’ executives are preparing to be questioned by MPs on the energy select committee which will be held on October 29, 2013. The poll also revealed that supermarkets are the most positively viewed firms and scored a rating of 58.6, which is over double that of the energy companies.

The country’s banks have faced severe criticism in that past over the financial crisis and managed to score 39 percent in the poll. The Big Six Energy companies increased bills by an average of 9.1 percent and it has been stated that wholesale costs have stayed practically the same since autumn 2012. Industry regulator Ofgem released a data which showed that wholesale prices have risen by 1.7 percent and added just £10 to the household bill of £600, which is the country’s average.

The official spokesperson for David Cameron said that it was up to the companies to explain their charges to consumers.

Photo Credits: Fool CDN