WHO addresses International Women’s Day with gender equality theme


The World Health Organization is drawing its attention to the massive impact of gender equality on the health of women and girls all over the world on the International Women’s Day. The WHO opines that the gender inequality affects the health of women and girls, especially across the Western Pacific Region.


Dr. Shin Young-soo, the Regional Director for the Western Pacific at WHO said, “Healthy girls and women make healthy families, communities and nations. More can and must be done to empower women and girls to ensure that health policies and programmes take women’s and men’s gender roles, norms and needs into account”. Shin went on to say that if there is no comprehensive action on gender equality, the right of women and girls to receive the highest possible level of health will remain just a dream.

The International Women’s Day is being celebrated since 1975. Women – as well as men – observe the day to celebrate the social, economical and political achievements of women and renew the calls for gender equality and empowerment of women.

Health data has indicated some difference between men and women when it comes to their biological and social differences. For instance, women are more likely to be obese than men, especially in pacific island countries. Moreover, girls and women are often disadvantaged when it comes to education and subsequently, jobs.

Photo Credits: BP