Martin Scorsese to produce a documentary on The Grateful Dead


60s band The Grateful Dead to have a documentary produced by Martin Scorsese.

Hollywood’s ace director Martin Scorsese is all set to be the executive producer for a documentary on the 60’s rock group The Grateful Dead. According to a report by Deadline Hollywood, the documentary’s release will be in tandem with the band’s 50th anniversary next year (2015). 

Grateful_Dead_ martin scorsese

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The project, which remains untitled as of now will be directed by The Tillman Story director Amir Bar-Lev, it will include snippets of the band’s private moments backstage, excerpts from old interviews, new interviews with surviving band members Mickey Hart (drums), Bill Kreutzmann (drums), Phil Lesh (base and vocals) and Bob Weir (guitar and vocals). Jerry Garcia (guitar and vocals), who was also a part of the original team died in 1995. 

The Grateful Dead’s rise as a band was embroiled in the counterculture movement of the 1960s and their music was a unique fusion of rock, blues, reggae and many such other forms. 

The band members are elated to have Scorsese at the helm of affairs and released a statement saying, “From The Last Waltzto George Harrison: Living in the Material World, from Bob Dylan to the Rolling Stones, he has made some of the greatest music documentaries ever with some of our favorite artists.”

Director Martin Scorsese arrives at The Royal Premiere of his film Hugo at the Odeon Leicester Square cinema in London

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The Taxi Driver director too expressed his thrill over the project and said, “The Grateful Dead were more than just a band. They were their own planet, populated by millions of devoted fans.”

The Rolling Stone magazine ranked the Friend of The Devil hitmakers (Grateful Dead) at No.57 in their The Greatest Artists of all Time issue.  

The iconic group has sold over 35 million albums worldwide and are still remembered for their music.