Facebook to warn users before posting drunken pictures


Social networking giant Facebook is working towards a new technology which will warn the users before they upload any drunken photographs or selfies. Users with the help of this technology, will be able to escape any embarrassment of showing off the pictures to the world.

Facebook drunken

The technology is an artificial intelligence programme which will have the ability to determine of the person in the picture is intoxicated and determine the content beyond you and your friend’s faces. An automated advice will pop up before you are just about to upload a drunken selfy or picture.


Yann LeCun, the incharge of the Artificial Intelligence Research lab at Facebook says that he is looking forward to build a technology which will give the users the option to take back the intoxicated posts before it is too late. LeCun added that the artificial intelligence in future will be like a virtual assistant which will warn the users with the message, ‘Uh, this is being posted publicly. Are you sure you want your boss and your mother to see this?’”


The Artificial Intelligence incharge at FB is focusing on the combination of image recognition algorithms with deep learning technology so as to improve the overall experience of the FB users.


Photo Credits: lovethispic