Singer Joe Cocker passes away of lung cancer


British rocks and blues singer Joe Cocker passed away of lung cancer at Colorado on December 21, 2014. The singer died at the age of 70 and was known for his crisp voice and had great vocals.

joe cocker death


Cocker during his career has recorded about 40 albums and has fans from various generations. In the year 1968 the Beatles’ song ‘With A Help From My Friend’ track had reached to the number one spot in the UK. Some of Cocker’s other hits include ‘Up Where We Belong’ and ‘You Are So Beautiful’.

The song ‘You Can Leave Your Hat On’ was first featured in the 1986 movie 9 ½ weeks. Marshall released a statement which said, “Hugely talented – a true star – but a kind and humble man who loved to perform”. Cocker in 2011 had also received an OBE for his contribution in the field of music.

As soon as the news of the singer broke tributes started pouring in on the social networking sites. Ringo Starr, Beatles drummer paid his condolences on the social network and wrote, “Goodbye and God bless to Joe Cocker from one of his friends, peace and love.” Steven Tyler, Bryan Adams and Edgar Berger also took their social networking accounts to pay tribute to the late star.

Photo Credits: npr